Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Signs of Spring at Alice Hunt’s Studio

Snow drops in bloom under the dogwood tree,  daffodils pushing up through the ground as the snow melts and the fragrance of witch hazel wafting on the breeze. Robins hunting for worms in the lawn.

These are the signs of spring at the studio this week.

A pair of Canada Geese honking loudly as I walked along the shoreline, glided down and slid across what was left of the ice before dropping over the edge into the water. 

With the first spring show behind me now, new work and new displays are ready for the 2011 art fair season.  I still have more ideas to bring to light in clay and soon the ferns in my gardens will be up and I can pick them to use in more contemporary fossils creations that are piling up in my mind’s eye.

To see more of Alice's creations please check these sites

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